Maple Grading


Did you know North America supplies about 90% of the world’s maple supply? North American maple producers have four different maple syrup grades: light amber, medium amber, dark amber, and extra dark amber. Medium and dark amber are our most popular offerings. Since maple syrup all comes from a tree, the difference is in the process. Even though maple syrup is available in both A and B grades, all syrup is good for different purposes. We usually make our lighter syrups when it’s colder because the sap is thinner and easy to tap. Our darker syrups are produced when it’s warmer, giving them a thicker, heavier taste.


Maple syrup is graded by color, transparency, flavor, and sweetness. You can usually tell a maple syrup grade based on its color. Light amber is the lightest colored, clearest form of syrup. Light amber has a sweet, refined taste. On the opposite end of the scale, extra dark amber is bold and robust. Darker syrups are ideal for baking and cooking to add flavor. Lighter syrups make great table syrups since they are delicious without being overpowering. And as always, our syrups are always all-natural and organic. We never use pesticides on our maple trees or wildflower fields.


  • Grade A Light Amber: A light, rich tasting syrup. We use Grade A light amber to produce our delicious maple candies and maple cream.
  • Grade A Medium Amber: Ideal for table syrups; America’s most popular table syrup.
  • Grade A Dark Amber: Thick and rich; a hearty robust flavor.
  • Grade B: A strong, dark maple flavor; great for baking and recipes


Currently, Canada, Vermont, Maine, and the USDA all have different maple grading systems. This year, there will be a new grading system that puts everyone on the same playing field. This new system is based on consumer blind taste tests.


We’re confident you will love our single-origin maple syrup!


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